- October 12, 2020
New Low G.I. Vegan Recipe Book for Healthier Recipes

Home grown Delcie’s Desserts is pleased to share that we are the leading bakery in Singapore to create healthier cakes and to champion the “Healthier Choice Bakery” category with Health Promotion Board. Into its 11th year now, the brand has branched out from a neighborhood bakery into a lifestyle brand with a book launch, workshops and new product line extensions as a tribute to healthy living.
Established in 2009, the multiple award winning bakery was the brainchild of dessert loving, Delcie Lam. Working then as an Art Director with a heavy workload, she turned to a slice of cake nightly as a reward. Aware that this indulgence will lead to poor health, she started experimenting with recipes with the purpose of “whipping up quality healthy desserts without compromising on taste”. She soon decided to turn her interest professional and against parental objections and limited capital, created Delcie’s Desserts.
She started baking healthier by substituting regular ingredients with organic ones as her family were on an organic diet due to her mum’s health condition. Shortly after the bakery’s launch, Delcie faced her biggest challenge when doctors put her terminally ill mum on a strict sugar free diet nearing her birthday. Her attempt to purchase a sugar free cake proved fruitless and when her mum succumbed to cancer not long after, she channelled all her energy into research for even healthier recipes that excluded the use of cane sugar, animal products, chemicals enabling products to be vegan, cholesterol-free and trans-fat free as a tribute to her mother and to help other patients.
Sensitive & Passionate Chef
Given the nature of her baking speciality, she prides herself as being the “Sensitive Chef” and ensures no detail is left out at her bakery. This responsibility extends from sourcing ethically grown ingredients, educating staff on food handling when baking with allergens, to customizing cakes for customers with complex allergies.
Inaugural Biography & Recipe
Delcie now hopes to inspire and share her philosophy with likeminded individuals on how to enjoy a treat yet keep it healthy. Her new recipe book, “Delcie’s DESSERTS and CAKES”, features a compilation of her favourite 50 healthy Low GI vegan creations that are mostly organic and void of any form of eggs, dairy products, chemicals or egg-aiding agents such as emulsifier and commercial stabiliser will be illustrated through hands-on workshops in the months to come.
Not one to shy away from challenge after the success, Delcie has also embarked on new products including a Ketogenic range and a revival range of desserts that she first started baking with. She recommends a decadent vegan and diabetes-friendly Rocher Chocolate cake for chocolate lovers.
The bakery now retails online through their website at https://delcies.com/ and even with key ecommerce partners like Redmart and popular food apps.
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