• December 17, 2020

How to Grow Thicker and Longer Eyelashes in a Quick Time?

Through the ages, women have been looking for the magic formula to make their eyelashes longer, thicker, curvy, and remarkably elegant. It is easier for women with beautiful eyes to grab the attention of men instantly. A considerable number of men fall in love at first sight with women who have captivating eyes. So, it proves that with thicker, longer, and lush eyelashes, women can turn heads and enchant men at their will and receive a considerable number of marriage proposals.


Compared to previous times, nowadays, women have an array of products at their disposal that play an instrumental role in improving the length and thickness of eyelashes effectively. Many women rely on eyelash serum Singapore to grow lush and beautiful eyelashes. You can also resort to different home remedies to grow longer, thicker, sexier, and permanent eyelashes in a few weeks.


Here are some simple and result-driven eyelash growing techniques for women:


Use Mascara


Seven women out of ten use mascara to give the impression of relatively long and lush eyelashes. Mascara is available at an affordable price compared to other eyelash enhancing products. However, many women experience itching and redness because of the presence of harmful chemicals in mascara.


Eyelash Extensions


Two types of eyelash extensions are there: semi-permanent eyelash extensions and permanent ones. One needs to spend a considerable amount of money regardless of the eyelash extension types. Permanent eyelash extensions are more expensive in comparison to semi-permanent ones.


Semi-Permanent Eyelash Extensions: Make sure that you choose a reputable and trusted salon if you opt for semi-permanent eyelash extensions to make your eyelashes longer and thicker. Experts know how to attach extensions to each eyelash with utmost care using premium-quality glue. It lasts for nearly two months if a woman takes proper care of it. These extensions enhance the appearance of eyelashes and make them look natural and exquisite.


Permanent Eyelash Extensions: You need to undergo surgery if you want to opt for permanent eyelash extensions. Specialists take a skin patch from the neck’s back and graft it onto a woman’s eyelids. Remember that doing this helps the hair grow faster, and therefore, you need to trim routinely and take proper care of eyelashes. Women with excessive short eyelashes opt for permanent eyelash extensions.


Eyelash Growth Serums


Aside from using the best makeup remover, if you use top-standard serums, you will stimulate eyelashes. Many women use eyelash serum these days to grow thicker, longer, curvier, and more appealing eyelashes that remarkably accentuate the eyes.


You have to choose a particular technique out of the ones mentioned above if you want to grow lush and beautiful eyelashes in weeks. Expressing yourself in a much better way becomes a lot easier when you have elegant eyelashes.