• January 10, 2021

Buy Sugar Free Pineapple Tarts Diabetes Friendly

Lunar New Year treats are often considered unhealthy indulgences due to the high fat and sugar content present.  Eggs, butter and sugar are almost synonymous when it comes to ingredients used in these treat making. Other common ingredients also include butter, icing and cream, these almost as sinful as it is to consume. As a result, desserts are often on the off limit lists for consumers suffering from pre-existing conditions like diabetes where a small amount of sugar can cause glucose levels to spike and cause undesirable reactions.

What this group of consumers can now rejoice is that there is a solution available for them now. Delcie’s Desserts, an esteemed healthy caterer is here to help. Sensitive Chef Delcie strives to change the stigma of desserts being unhealthy by replacing all animal products and cane sugar with 100% plant based organic, high quality natural ingredients in her recipes. She ensures her large vegan cake and dessert range are made sugar free and diabetes friendly.

Customers can now indulge in our diabetes-friendly (Low G.I.) desserts that will indulge your taste buds an soul.

Choose from a wide range of sugar free vegan cookies including Green Pea and Almond Cookies that are made with 70% of the nut ingredients giving it the wholesome flavor or the Pineapple Tarts that is made with the freshest honey pineapple that’s slow cooked with extra juice to ensure its tangy and moist texture, guaranteed to melt in your mouth.

The bakery is running an early bird discount from now till Jan 12, 2020 for pre orders. Visit website at https://delcies.com/ to enjoy this promotion now!

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