Our stomach is the digestive center of our body. When we consume food, it is broken down into tiny units by the acids that is secreted by the cells lining the stomach. During the process of digestion, a large amount of gas is released into the abdomen that can sometimes cause discomfort and bloating and can be quite troublesome when severe. Bloating often causes the belly to look larger than usual, and can sometimes feel painful. But the good thing is that there are many home remedies that can help in reducing bloating in a natural way. Here are some effective home remedies proven to be effective natural treatment for bloating:
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea can be made by brewing a cup of hot water with a few sprigs of peppermint leaves and a tablespoon of honey. Drinking peppermint tea is an Effective Natural Treatment for Bloating and helps in reducing acidity fairly quickly.
Fennel Seeds
Take a cup of hot water and add crushed fennel seeds to the water. Let it grow for a while and strain the water to remove the seeds. You can consume it or add a small amount of honey for adding natural flavor to it. Fennel seeds and jaggery are often recommended to be taken in small amount regularly after meals. Such habit helps in reducing stomach bloating through neutralization of acid.
Physical activities help in getting the bowels move regularly and can help to release excess gas and stool. It is recommended to walk around for some time as it helps to reduce fluid build-up in some areas.
Probiotics helps to elevate levels of good bacteria in the gut, which aids digestions and helps in reducing bloating. Some of the good probiotics are unpasteurized yogurt, bananas, onions, raw garlic, asparagus etc.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice stimulates digestive enzymes and improves your gut. If you frequently feel bloated, then squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water and drink it. Lemon is a natural diuretic and helps in reducing acidity. A glass of warm lemon water helps in flushing out the extra sodium as well as bloating
Ginger juice
Ginger is an age old remedy used to cure many ailments and ginger juice has proven to be Effective Natural Treatment for Bloating. In order to take ginger juice, you should cut thin slices of ginger and steep them in boiling water for 10 minutes. You can add honey and a squeeze of lemon to make it tasty before you sip on it. You can also take powdered ginger root regularly as a supplement.
What you should avoid to overcome bloating?
Here is a list of things that you should avoid to overcome bloating and acidity;
- Avoid consuming salty food as it can be tough on our kidneys.
- Avoid taking refined carbs such as foods with white sugar, corn syrup, fructose, starch, instant oatmeal, and white grains. Such food increases insulin levels and retain more sodium and causes acidity
- Avoid drinking carbonated drinks as the fizz can cause gas to get trapped in your belly, causing you to look and feel bloated.
- Avoidswallowingtoo much chewing gum as it contributes to bloating.
- Avoid eating“Sugar free” foods or food with artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners have sugar alcohol, which often lead to bloating.
Nowadays, there are many trained nutritional therapists and holistic healers offering online services. You can take Free Online Health Consultation and learn the ways to improve your health in a natural way.