• December 21, 2021

The Benefits of Using Glass Writing Boards in Corporate Offices

In the current era, technology is updating at a fast pace. It is essential to keep your equipment and technology updated so you don’t lag behind your competitors. Once, such smart equipment was a glass whiteboard. Nowadays, glass boards are quickly replacing traditional boards used in schools, learning centers, and workplaces. There are a variety of writing boards available on the market, such as magnetic whiteboards, glass writing boards, and magnetic white boards with stands in Singapore, etc.

In recent years, the corporate sector has felt a dire need to have a low-tech yet stylish whiteboard to share their ideas, information, and opinions. Glass writing boards meet the basic needs of the corporate environment while embracing a fashionable appearance, and as a result, they have proven to be a seamless addition to any office. These boards have countless other benefits.

  • Glass writing boards are made from toughened glass. Such glass has an excellent shield to safeguard the board from abrades and marks.
  • As the glass used in the board is a non-porous structure, there is zero possibility of marker deposits remaining under the board surface.
  • It is very easy to clean and maintain a scribbled glass whiteboard. No matter how tough the stain has been, you can easily make the glass whiteboard look spotless.
  • These boards are made with 100% tempered glass, which makes them seamlessly environment-friendly. In this way, you are encouraging the use of eco-friendly products.
  • There is not a single fragile facet on this board; it is heavy-duty, resilient, and ten times more durable than a standard whiteboard with a stand. This level of strength and hardness is achieved by heating and cooling regular glass, which is then subjected to a chemical subduing procedure. By literally breaking one of these wonders, the durability of these glass whiteboards can be demonstrated.
  • You will be able to see the glass whiteboard scatter into small wrecks as it collapses, which will help prevent a glass injury. A metallic back plate reinforces the hardened glass, ensuring that your glass whiteboard is not damaged even if you exert a little extra weight over it.
  • Not only are these boards spotless, but they are also built to last. These heavy-duty whiteboards last longer.

Glass boards are used in a variety of ways in the corporate environment. These boards are often used as magnetic boards, so you can easily stick notes, short notes, invitations, photographs, and more by using magnets on them. It can be used for high-quality and enhanced pixel projection. Glass whiteboards can be customized to your office decor or with an official brand logo on the board’s surface. There are many reputed dealers in Singapore exclusively dealing in office products like recycling bins in Singapore, flinch charts, glass boards, and white boards with stands in Singapore etc. It is recommended to look for suppliers having extensive experience in the industry to buy durable products at the best prices.