- August 1, 2019
Acupressure Therapy to Deal with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease often having symptoms like throbbing joints and limited mobility, unexplained pain and incurable discomfort. When your immune system is not working properly, it can attack joints that leads to swelling, pain, and immobility. It may often hurt small joints in the hands, feet, wrists and ankles. Some of the initial signs of Rheumatoid arthritis are as follows:
- Morning stiffness affecting the joints on the both sides such as small joints of the hands and the wrists, with more than one joint being affected.
- There might be loss of energy and feeling exceptionally tired for no reason.
- Loss of appetite
- Sometimes there is also low grade fever within the body as the immune system combats the non-existent bacteria.
How Do You Soothe Arthritis?
Nowadays, many people are moving towards holistic treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis Syracuse NY. Some of the popular of them are as follows
Physical Therapy
A physical therapist assign certain activities and exercises to strengthen your body and muscles to alleviate joint pain.
Natural therapies
There are many natural therapies that help to ease the swelling and pain of RA. Such as magnet therapy used to alleviate pain in the osteoarthritis and has proven to be helpful in overcoming symptoms of RA.
Food and diet
Food and diet is an important part of overcoming symptoms of RA. Fish oil is good supplement to overcome symptoms of RS. Omega 3 Fatty acids helps in lubricating joints and alleviate the pain of RA. Besides, walnuts and whole food and other food sources rich in Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids as they help in reducing the effects of inflammation.
An essential life energy known as qi flows through the body along 20 invisible channels called meridians. As per acupuncture theory, when the flow of energy is interrupted or is out of balance, it results in the correct the flow of qi and alleviate pain. It also stimulates the release of natural pain fighting hormones called endorphins. Growing research suggests that acupuncture is the best pain management in Syracuse NY. It is also used in combination with mainstream therapy to overcome symptoms.
Acupuncture needles are placed all over the body at pressure points that your acupuncturist identifies. By focusing on these points, the Rheumatoid Arthritis Syracuse NY treatment helps in the best pain management Syracuse NY and cause relaxation. Even, many people fall asleep during their sessions. Acupuncture is now also getting mainstream acceptance as a medical modality that can help with arthritis symptoms. It helps to restore the energy and improves overall health of a person.
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