• June 18, 2021

Benefits of Interactive Whiteboard Singapore in Schools & Universities

Benefits of Interactive Whiteboard Singapore in Schools & Universities

During the current pandemic situation, education is at crossroads. Teachers are striving to connect with students using conventional outdated technology. Students grew up in a smart, connected world. With the internet connectivity, it is possible to access anywhere and anytime to digital services, yet schools and teachers are still striving to better engage with students.

Interactive smart boards are modern smart devices that make it better for teachers to connect with students to engage with the lessons. Interactive white boards (IWBs) have been regarded as valuable teaching tool in the recent years. More and more educational institutes and universities are adopting interactive white board Singapore for increasing student engagement and learning

These boards are also called electronic whiteboard that allows images from a computer screen to be displayed onto a classroom board using a digital projector. It makes it easy for teacher and students to interact with each other. The teacher or a student can “interact” with the images directly on the screen by using a tool or a finger.

  • Encourages active learning

It encourages active learning in students. As students ask more questions and took more notes and even involve in more effective group activities like brainstorming and problem-solving, it makes them active learners and they learn and understand better.

  • Presenting content in an appealing way

Students are more attracted towards learning when interactive white board Singapore are used. An interactive whiteboards allows teachers to make every session more interesting using smart technology such as short videos, info graphics, or problems the students can work on using the whiteboard.

  • Highlight important information from the lesson

It is easy to highlight important information in the lesson by using Magnetic whiteboard Singapore. A teacher can outline the sections to be covered in class and can break down the key topics, definitions, and critical data for students on the whiteboard.


  • Better collaborate with teachers and other students

It allows students to better collaborate with teachers and other students in the class. It is very useful in presentations, trainings, discussions and workshops and are also handy tools in taking notes and in display of complex diagrams.

Magnetic whiteboard Singapore connects students, teachers and devices to turn lessons into enriching learning and teaching experience for all. It keeps your student and faculty happy and makes it easy to share whiteboard content with your students. Whether its local or remote classes, interactive white boards are cost effective and great tool to make students learn and understand the lessons. Nowadays, these boards are also popularly used in offices for collaborating with employees, partners and investors. Many of these boards come with free collaboration software and services ensuring that your technology will provide ROI for years to come.

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