• June 25, 2019

Benefits & Significance of Hardcover Book Printing

Benefits & Significance of Hardcover Book Printing

Print books are often preferred by humans over eBooks. Studies have shown that people nowadays prefer “old-style” printed books or paper books. When you hold and read a printed book, it takes you into the world. It also makes reader better remember the story and has greater impact than eBooks. As paper books are more popular than digital books, most renowned as well as amateur authors look for reputed book printing services for printing their books.

When you look for paper book printing services, there are two options for book cover; hardcover or paper cover (paperback) book. Which one to choose is a personal choice and it all depends on situation where will book be read, where it will be stored, etc.

Paper cover books are usually low cost books and are made using cheap materials such as paper or paper boards. The pages are bound together using glue and no stitches or staples are used. These books are often less expensive than hardcover books. They are also in non-illustrated format, so as to keep the cost of printing and publishing as low as possible. As these books are lighter and smaller, they are easy to carry around everywhere.

On the other hand, hardcover book printing is more expensive, however, hard cover books are more durable. The quality of hardcover printing is better as it uses quality paper and quality binding technology using stitches and staples. The protective cover of hardcover book is often made from cardboard covered with cloth, leather or heavy paper etc.

When books are released, most writer prefer to release hardcover versions before paperback editions are published. By giving artistic touch to the hardcover, publishers make them more attractive and appealing externally. Academic books are often published in hardcover format. One of the noteworthy advantages of hardcover book printing is its durability. As hardcover books have thicker and better quality paper and ink used in it, they are usually long lasting than paper cover books.

When you want to put high quality pictures in the book, hardcover book printing is an ideal choice. Most reputed publishers use high resolution industrial class digital presses to print images on top-quality acid-free paper. These books are often available in a wide range of landscape, square, and portrait sizes, so you’ll find the right sized hardcover photo book. As good material is used for binding, they don’t get split and cloth holding the pages can be stretched. So no harm done.

Hardcover books are often used for coffee table books, vanity books, yearbooks, children’s books etc. If your project require high quality professional finishing, hardcover book printing is an ideal choice. It tends to create a sophisticated product that will withstand the tests of time. Nowadays, most publishers are making it easy for authors to get their books published.  You can easily ask for quotes from one or more reputed printing companies to get the best quote for book printing services.