- October 31, 2019
Don’t Restrict the Movement of Your Loved One with a Disability, Help Them Socialize

With disability comes various challenges in day to day life. Along with physical imparities, there are mental challenges, as well. With restricted movement or movement with the help of another person, we sometimes limit our movement only inside our house. This may cause serious mental health hazards as patients are confined and isolated in their homes and are restricted from socializing with the world around them.
To introduce your loved ones to the whole new world around them, you may take the help of Tilt Recline Wheelchairs. These wheelchairs are incredibly comfortable and give that extra support, which is needed to keep a correct posture during a ride.
Let us take a look at the critical aspects of the tilt to recline wheelchairs:
- Neck and Back Support-Specific tilt recline wheelchairs come with neck support, which is especially vital for patients who have a neck alignment problem. Due to its reclining feature, it acts as active back support and can be adjusted over time to ensure comfort and support.
- Easy Recline to Maintain Body Posture-While one uses a wheelchair for a more extended time, they may find it challenging to sit in the same position. In such cases, a reclining wheelchair allows you to shift position and change the sitting posture. This helps to relax the back and thus giving a comfortable ride to the patient.
- Comes in Various Design to Suit Every Requirement-Every patient has a different condition. You may find which suits you the best. For example, some wheelchairs come with extra neck support, additional back support, extra leg space, etc. all these are built by keeping in mind the requirement of each user.
For a person who is self-sufficient to move around in a wheelchair, there is an upgraded vehicle for them, which is a Travel Mobility Scooter. These scooters are highly comfortable and can be controlled efficiently by the user itself. The battery run scooters are made with a specification that suits traveling in public transports. You can also opt for foldable scooters, which can be easily carried from one place to another.
Here are a few vital features of electric scooters
- Covers up to 20 Km with a full battery charge
- Easily fits in any public transport vehicle while in use
- A chair like sitting arrangement which swivels 360 degrees for secure transfer on and off the scooter
- Height adjustable seat to suit individual requirement
- LED front light for better visibility
- Automatic electromagnetic brake system
These are a few vital features of electric scooters and tilt and recline wheelchairs. So, allow your loved ones to move around and socialize without any obligation from now.
MCS Mobility Direct can help you choose best mobility products without burning a hole in your pocket.

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