• June 25, 2019

Effective Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Effective Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis warning sign can vary. Distinct symptoms may be ostensible at different stages of the disease. Active and Inactive are its form and can occur in stages. During inactive symptoms, the patient is in reduction – and might not have any symptoms for quite long time. When it is active rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, your daily routine can become severely limited.

You need to understand that it is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease symbolized by persistent symmetric irritation of multiple peripheral joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis is classified as an auto-immune dis-ease. When it occurs, your immune system,by mistake, attacks the membrane (cartilage) surrounding the joints causing pain, inflammation and stiffness in the joints. Symptoms can be fever, fatigue, and a general feeling of malaise. Unlike other symptoms of arthritis, it affects joints symmetrically like if one knee is affected, the other one will be as well.

So, if you suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, there is something to cheer about, and yes acupuncture can help you find relief from the pain and swelling associated with arthritis. If you are in Syracuse NY or in Rochester NY come down to Inflammation Pain, since pain is the major complaint of people suffering from arthritis. Acupuncture has gained its recognition as effective form of pain control. It is suitable for treating other symptoms caused by arthritis and as a way to restore balance and strength.

Treatment through acupuncture decreases the pain by stimulating the release of various neurotransmitters in the brain. One of these is endorphins, sometimes referred to as the body’s own natural opiates. Endorphins deter the perception of pain and are similar to morphine. While the medications for this condition have many side effects, acupuncture has none.In basic terms, the placement of tiny sterile stainless steel needles at specific locations incites the release of these chemicals, and this efficiently blocks the transmission of pain signals that brain receives. Please clear your misconception – if you think that acupuncture works on nerves, or that needles are inserted into nerves then answer is big NO. Acupuncture works indirectly on the nervous system to produce this natural result. The needles are inserted into muscle or soft tissue.

What is the best pain management that you can get in Syracuse NY or in Rochester NY? Let’s recognize what exactly it is and what is the difference between the classical Chinese acupuncture and Western medical acupuncture. The traditional Chinese form includes placing of needles into some of the 2000 acupuncture points on the human body, and relieve the energy imbalance in the body and restore the flow of Qi. While Western form draws on scientific knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. Specialists of this method believe that precise placement of needles stimulate the central nervous system, releasing endorphins and other chemicals that help to dim the effectof pain and improve the immune system.

Important is to make healthy lifestyle changes and getting competent treatments by a trained acupuncture practitioner, you can manage this quite well and live a relatively pain free life. It effectively treats symptoms associated with arthritis.

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