• August 29, 2020

Exfoliation For A Renewed Skin

old cells is known as exfoliation. This can be acquired with the help of a dermatologist or certain products – both chemical and natural. The dead cells on the outermost layer of our skin can also be removed with a mechanical procedure known as microdermabrasion. The ability to remove the dead cells from the epidermis is very effective, simple, and painless. So, here is a list of the various measures and outcomes that we can achieve from different types of exfoliations to gain glowing beautiful skin.


Mechanical Exfoliation: 

Mechanical exfoliation believes in exfoliating the skin through motion, rather than the use of chemicals. The process involves the use of objects such as microfiber cloths, micro-bead facial scrubs, adhesive exfoliation sheets, crepe paper, salt, etc. However, we must always consult a dermatologist before opting for any of these processes since all skin types are different and the Best Exfoliator For Face can be distinguished by only an expert.


Chemical Exfoliation: 

Chemical exfoliation includes the usage of chemical products such as salicylic acid, citric acid, glycolic acid, fruit enzymes, etc. A medical expert can always suggest or treat us with the proper ratio of using these. Often the process includes alpha and beta hydroxy acids, or enzymes that ease away the tightened bond by glue-like substances among the dead cells of skin tissues. Chemical exfoliation is best for acne treatments.



This is a surgical process that can clear the dead cells from the epidermis and remove vellus hair. It includes a special scalpel that medical professionals use in the process of dead cell removal. This process is best suited for dry skin.


Hair Remover: 

Hair removal is also a popular and common way of exfoliation. A mechanical process like waxing or a chemical process like Nair can be very effective.

  • With a natural waxing procedure, the function of plucking hair can quite act like a substitute for exfoliation. It may not be very effective but somewhat effective if a regular session is executed. It is a little bit better and a less harmful procedure than mechanical exfoliation.
  • Nair includes chemicals and if it’s done more often, our skin can take quite a beating from it. It doesn’t involve removing the hair roots, but the removal of the hair from the root.


However, if you want to get the best products for exfoliation or any skin treatment products, Beauty Closet is your go-to brand! Update your beauty regime by our 3-3-3 needs philosophy and experts on beauty. We have the Best Makeup Remove, hydrating facial beauty, sanitizing body beauty, etc. products in the market. To know more about us, click here.