• December 22, 2021

Features and Uses of Magnesium Fluoride Windows and Sapphire Pistons

The Magnesium Fluoride window provides good transmission from the deep ultraviolet region to the mid-infrared region. It is a hard optical material that can be used under harsh conditions. It is highly resistant to chemical etching as well as mechanical and thermal shock. These windows are extremely durable and are most commonly used in UV radiation sources and receivers. Mechanical and thermal shock, laser damage, and chemical etching are not a problem for these windows.Magnesium fluoride (MgF2) is a proven material for lasers operating in the UV range. Being a low index coating material, it has been used for anti-reflection and multilayer coatings for many years. As MgF² is a birefringent material, it is effective as a polarising element in the ultraviolet region.

Magnesium Fluoride Window is used for windows, lenses, and other optical components because of its wide range of applications ranging from UV to Infrared. It is used for optical elements in the infrared that require extreme ruggery and durability. The useful transmission range of a single MgF2 crystal exhibits slight ductility, which can be useful in infrared. It is also ideal for applications where simultaneous transparency is needed at multiple wavelengths, such as spectral or fluorescent imaging of samples in vacuum. MgF2 windows are typically available in a variety of sizes and can be customized to suit your applications.

Sapphire pistons

Pistons are a consumable part of the HPLC pump. It is recommended to regularly replace them as a part of a preventative maintenance schedule. Sapphire pistons must be inspected every six months and replaced yearly or as needed to maintain peak performance and avoid unplanned downtime.

Sapphire pistons have the best concentricity and wear resistance, as well as the best breakage resistance. Furthermore, it is less abrasive than ceramic. Also the seal life with a sapphire piston is approximately ten times greater than that of a chrome-plated stainless steel due to their better surface finish, nodular surface structure and greater hardness. There are typically two types of sapphire pistons transparent sapphire pistons and ceramic pistons. A manufacturer will provide piston as per the customer’s needs. Most of the reputed manufacturers make sure that extensive testing form sapphire piston is conducted under temperature stress, with all common HPLC solvents, and in many instruments. Most optical component manufacturers create a wide range of custom-made optical components and assemblies, such as lenses, prisms, windows, and filters. These optical components are widely used in automation, metrology, life sciences, lasers, semiconductors, military, and medical equipment and come in a variety of coating designs. Most of the reputed manufacturers provide customized optical components to meet your specific project needs.