• November 25, 2020

The Art Of Choosing The Perfect Coffee Beans For Your Taste

This is the twenty-first century we are dwelling in, and taking required breaks from the stressful job desks are close to impossible! Soon after that, arrive late Saturday night when you are bound to clean all that post-party mess after your guests leave. Even if not on weekends, 80% of the people rely on coffee as their energy booster to cope with the Monday blues. A good cup of rich coffee can help you put up with your fiercely busy routine. You would also be interested in knowing that coffee is the second most popular drink on the planet that many people are reliant on.

It is more common when it comes to millennials. Coffee is even carried for trips or works in flasks and thermos! But too much caffeine or the wrong blend of coffee can result in opposite consequences. Experts from coffee farms in Manizales suggest that you must choose the right coffee beans to get the complete advantage of real coffee as a coffee enthusiast by heart. Here are some of the tips to follow when you are choosing the right coffee;

Get to know what you prefer.

coffee farms in manizales

There are two different types of coffee beans available today, including Arabica and Robusta. To pick the right beans, you will need to choose any among these two first. The Arabica usually grows in the higher altitudes. It is basically known for its smooth taste and little acidic nature. Robusta, on the other hand, increases in the low altitude regions. It is known for its better and pungent taste. Though Arabica is categorized under the higher grades, a lot of its quality is based on the procedure and the treatment it gets while making it to the coffee roaster.

What is the percentage of caffeine that you need? 

This is a big one! In contrast to what most people believe, the dark roast coffee bean consists of comparatively low leveled caffeine whose roasting is medium or light. Light roast beans contain high levels of caffeine out of all three. The type of bean which is used for making espresso is in the medium roast category. In case you need to capitalize on caffeine intake, you will be better of going medium or the light roast beans. The best dark roast coffee Balifor example, is known for containing a rich amount of caffeine.

Choose the right brand!

When you pick your coffee beans, the process goes beyond just using the best coffee roaster machineIf you want high-quality beans in the first place, you will need to choose the brand right. 

So, begin your exciting journey on choosing the right coffee bean today!